The benefits and challenges of building a flexible hybrid workplace

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In March 2020, businesses entered the largest work-from-home experiment in history in response to the COVID-19 pandemic—and they did so with remarkable success. Law firms have demonstrated they can adapt quickly, adopt new technologies and maintain the same levels of productivity at home as they do in the office.

As the opportunity to return to the office is on the horizon for some, many law firm leaders and HR professionals are asking: ‘How can a hybrid model work for a law firm? What are the implications, opportunities, risks and pressure points?’

These were the questions on everyone’s mind as we kicked off our Collaboration Café events on hybrid working. Hosted under Chatham House Rules, senior HR professionals working in major law firms came together to engage in open, meaningful conversation about the challenges and opportunities facing the legal industry around hybrid working.

Download the  report today to find out more.


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