Two Challenges,
One Solution:

API Integrations in Legal Technology

API integrations streamline workflows and help deliver better client service for less money, giving firms a considerable competitive advantage. How? 

It’s no secret that law firms are under increasing financial pressure, fighting for market share against alternative legal service providers and tightening their budgets in recognition of the increased efficiencies afforded by technological advances. In this ever-more competitive marketplace, firms grapple with an intense push to do more with less.

In this white paper, we address two challenges facing law firms with the proliferation of technology and how your firm can develop an integrated workflow that connects your key working programs using Application Programming Interfaces (APIs).

Learn more about:

  • The challenges lawyers face: Constantly switching between different applications, programs, and platforms — not to mention devices and locations.
  • The challenges IT and CIOs face: Stuck continually investing in new technology, requiring unnecessary expenditures and risking stymied innovation.
  • How API integrations result in better workflows and business management.


Because API integrations allow multiple
programs to communicate with each
other, they offer a way to consolidate
attorney workflows while allowing
IT departments to spend less on
technology and better leverage their
existing tools.
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